Monday, November 28, 2011

Morning Mod-ivation

Morning sweeties,

Ah the holiday season is upon us and that also means all those yummy treats can set you back in your fitness goals. Well no need to worry because I have been working on making this week entirely about fitness, healthy eating and some great tips to keep you in the best shape even through the holidays!

I know this feeling all too well after Thanksgiving when you know you did  a little damage and then you promise yourself  "I'll start my diet tomorrow or Monday". Don't promise yourself anything if you can't keep it! Instead of saying you'll start next week make a conscious effort to change your habits for the long run. I know losing/gaining weight is part of every girl's life but don't focus on skinny focus on healthy! Today is a brand new day, a clean slate so get off your lazy bum ;) and get to it! Remember that this isn't a one shot deal and mistakes will be made because you're human hopefully:) . ALWAYS REMEMBER IT'S A LIFESTYLE CHOICE! 

Just to clarify I am not an expert at this and you should always consult your doctor before you start a new diet lifestyle. My only goal is to inspire you to be even more beautiful than you are right now and be absolutely content with yourself. Learning to live a healthy lifestyle is going to be a hard and I'm saying this from experience so take it a day at a time.You'll have to be extremely diligent about your food choices especially but it's all doable and totally worth the effort! Don't stress yourself out over a few tiny mistakes because you can always fix them and learn from them. Be proud of daily accomplishments. Being healthy shouldn't be considered as boring it should be fun! Remember this is a POSITIVE thing you're doing by transforming into a healthy and happy lifestyle. Stay tuned later on today for some workout ideas and a healthy helpful tips.

Here's some thin-spiration to start off your week!

Have a sweet day!


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