Monday, November 21, 2011

Beautiful Reminder

Good Morning,

How was your weekend? Well I'm sure you'd rather be cuddled up in bed watching a movie but it is Monday and we do have places to be! I was on Pinterest the other day looking for printables and came across this beauty.

What a great daily reminder! I am so excited to share this with you! Print this out and place anywhere you want or even send this off to your friends and family for the holidays.I think I'll be placing this  on my mirror so I can remind myself of this everyday. Each line carries so much meaning and is so poignant. It's a daily reminder of what we should be and want to be because after all we're human and sometimes stray away from our ideal selves.  Consider this letter while you're busy at school, work or even at home. Along with being the most wonderful time of year it's also the busiest which can lead to lower tolerance levels. So consider this letter today and everyday to remind yourself to have some compassion and understanding.

You can download the letter {here}

Have a sweet day!


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